Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Representin' For the Chocolate Sistas: Beauty By JJ

Happy rainy Hump-Day Wednesday to you! For someone who rarely watches the news, today I was prepared with my trusty umbrella unlike the last rainy day where I got caught up in a torrential down pour. I ran and ducked for cover in the nearest downtown lounge and waited out the storm while enjoying a greek salad and a glass of Merlot Ahh, gotta love those rainy days here in Philly! But anywho.... yesterday, I never usually do this but I was surfing the channels of Youtube. I was originally interested in purchasing the Instyler hair straightener so that I can wear my hair out for the spring. So I found myself searching Youtube for honest video feedback on the Instyler and I got side tracked. On the right side of the video that you are viewing are other still shots of other featured videos. Off to the side of my video was a still shot of this gorgeous, brown-skin young lady with this beautifully done hair and her video was titled:
 Good Hair' Virgin Brazilian & Peruvian Hair Review

Curiosity got to me, so I proceeded to click on it in total disregard to the video I was presently watching. Once I started watching her videos I noticed that she had great sophisticated style, a very cute accent (British I presume since she stated she lived in Manchester , UK), and some great hair reviews and makeup tips. But the best thing of was all she was Chocolate just like me! It was amazing and refreshing to see someone Across The Pond with a skin type similar to mine (I am NW47 in M.A.C), that could offer great info and has a sweet, inviting personality that makes you feel as if this could be one of your good friends that you hang out and go shopping with.
When I am buying and applying make up I tend to feel so limited to what products I can purchase or  restricted to certain colors or brands. There are not a whole lot of instructional videos that cater to brown, deep and darker toned women such as myself so finding 'Beautybyjj' was a God-sent to watch and learn from. In her videos she uses a lot of pretty lip and eye shadow colors that I originally would have not thought I could wear but she makes it look very easy and it is very nicely done.  Jenny (the girl in the video) really offered a ton of information that I will definitely be using and she is definitely Representin for the Chocolate Sistas!